Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Print stuff

Apologies for the delays, just been busy. Here's what some of what I've been up to:

I've had a couple illustrations published in "The Ave." a New York-based hip-hop magazine. The first being the LL Cool J piece (shown previously on my blog) in the Winter '07 issue:

And the next, a Kanye West piece (below) in the Spring '07 with covers posted as well. (P.S. Let me know if you see any around the Bay Area...I'm still trying to hunt some down!)

Probably the best thing about these opportunities--of course, next to being published (and in a NY mag)--was the fact that fellow SHM homie, Cameron Moore (, was also the assistant designer for the mags. Yet another joint-SHM collabo (The Sims2 is the other concurrent project, but I'll save that story for another time).

1 comment:

Johanna Enriquez Hui said...

Awesome work Phil! I'll be looking around for that issue. =)