Tuesday, April 04, 2006


My dad watching "Speed" on the spanish channel and my mom knitting--think there's any relation to the handiwork?

1st weekday of Daylight Savings...daylight is good.


Jeff Adams said...

Awesome sketch Phil, well worth the wait.

dave yee said...

That is a dope ass sketch Phil!

Archibob said...

Well done sir... well done


Colin Fix said...

That's a pimp-ass drawing Phil, a pimp-ass drawing indeed.

steve hui said...

wow! i thought it looked great on your blog but when i saw the original sketch it blew me away! a really really nice piece...now do some more and the breezies will come. when you get some time slap a student or two for me. yatata'i'mean

Johanna Enriquez Hui said...

That's one awesome sketch Professor Mamuyac...keep it commin' Phil. =)

coffman said...

Now these are the Phil drawings I like to see.