Tuesday, March 21, 2006

"So a duck, a skeleton, and Han Solo walk into a bar..."

Yup, the blog bug bit me. I've jumped on the bandwagon, because this is the one to be jumping on.

Good or bad, it's for all to be seen...no excuses.


Nikki Lukas Longfish said...

yay i'm the first to comment on the all famous philly's blog. whoo hooo! nice quick paint, can i have another?

The Pencil Box said...

Phila peens, its gonna be exciting to see what comes about this mama jamma "Phil," a-rama! -W

Tony Trujillo said...

duuuuude, i need to see more. how's the sims life?? check out my blog - let me know what you think.


Archibob said...

The bug finally bit! you keep on posting, master phil. i needs to see mo!


Jeff Adams said...

Next sketch please.