Friday, August 31, 2012

"Do do do Lookin' out my back door..."

Like the Creedence Clearwater song said...

Painted this just before sunset and a hearty dinner downtown.

mo' paint, NoHo

Valley Village Park, North Hollywood

Republic of Pie, North Hollywood
A few more paintings from a couple weeks ago...

At Porto's

This isn't an ad for Porto's...I just highly that, if in the area, you try their chicken croquettes, potato balls and guava/cheese streudel.

Porto's Bakery in Burbank
Quick painting, about 40 min. Photoshop.

Monday, August 13, 2012

At the...

Update: Went back for another wash, checked out the lighting at a different type of day--so I painted that and then a nighttime version.

After the jump is the original post...

more paint studies

Another interior study at Cahuenga General Store, Burbank 
In the waiting room at Kaiser 
Starbucks study at sundown
The barbers at Rudy's of Glendale doing their thing 
More painting around Burbank, Glendale and Los Angeles...

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

City of Octavia

This was a painting is a concept for the city of Octavia, described in Italo Calvino's "Invisible Cities."

Created under the guidance of Annis Naeem! Thanks for the tips, Annis!

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

DJ Anthony Valadez at Zanzibar, Santa Monica

Painted this lifeboard based on a fun KCRW party Tony put me onto in Santa Monica. It featured multi-talented DJ Anthony Valadez. Good times!

Cozy: wine research.

Caught up with friends in Los Angeles...over many a bottle of wine.

The Brothers Adajar

Created as a birthday gift to my friend, Reinel. He and his wife have two great kids: Superman and Batman. (Not their real names, but their real alter egos.)

A Talentful Bunch: Lunch with Friends

I did a lifeboard painting based on when I had lunch at Disney with Tine, Kendelle, Scott and Tony. Topics discussed: school, the industry, blogs, painting, drawing, and--most importantly, FOOD.

Everyone has links to their work, so check em out!!